825 Middle Street Middletown, CT 06457

(860) 632-8563


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Collet Chucks:

EB Manufacturing provides a wide range of unique and custom collet chucks for your manufacturing requirements as listed below:

Dead Length

Model 5C, 16C, and 3J chucks are designed to grip on the outside diameter and maintain an axial position of a workpiece, and positive pullback is not required.



Model 5C, 16C, 20C, 25C, 2J, 3J, 35J, S15, S20, S22, S30, S35, and S50 chucks are designed with positive pullback and gripping on the outside diameter of the workpiece, and positively locate against a workstop.



Special size and style of collet chuck required gripping on outside diameter of workpiece and positively locating against a workstop. Chucks can be mounted on any type of lathe or machining centers.


Call us for more information about the collet chucks we provide. Our services and products are available to clients nationwide.